Monday, November 13, 2006

Big boy bed.

No more crib. Nate's in the bed now. He really likes it!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Prince of the Subway.

Some time needs to be spent discussing Nate's obsession with trains. I'm not talking about Thomas the Tank Engine, or Lionel, or Brio, or "The little engine that could." For Nate, it's the NYC Subway system, period.
Nate has as comprehensive a knowledge of the subway system as I do--which isn't saying much--but it's pretty damn good for a 2.5 year-old. Nate knows the color of nearly every train symbol in the system and can tell you multiple ways of getting to Brooklyn, and Queens from our house. His favorite of course is the number 1 since it's our local train.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Nate dropped something on the floor the other day and said "Oh Shit!"
Zoe and I shot each other incriminating looks.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Zoe: Nate, do you want a cookie?
Nate: Hababout TWO cookies?

Friday, October 06, 2006


In September, we went to the Mohonk Mountain House with Bubbe and Oupa. Nate liked the fact that he could have waffles and everyday, he loved the rowboats, but most interesting of all, he could pull bark off the fence and throw it into the lake. Funny I didn't see that on the list of activities.....

The "big waterfall" was a highlight as well.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Long overdue....

OK. So i've been a little remiss in my blogging these last...oh... five months or so. I am happy to report that Nate is doing well and rarely goes more than a few days without making some kind of major improvement in his development as a little person. That is except for his weight.

Here's what you've missed:

We've gone to the Museum of Natural History, a lot. Sometimes Nate would get a little mischievous...

We went to Florida...

We had another great passover in Cambridge, MA. Here he is eating the traditional passover Pad-thai:

In May Nate caught a nasty stomach bug and barely ate anything for a whole week. He got super skinny and there was much worrying....

But, in no time he rallied and got back to his moderately skinny self...

We had a fun NYC summer with roof parties....

We spent a little time with friends in East Marion...

Thursday, March 30, 2006


We had a big bash for Nate's 2nd Birthday.

Here's a little video for you.